04 May 2009

Would it be more interesting to live on a street named after someone more interesting?

W.P. Cresson offers (James Monroe 1946) a backhanded compliment to his subject: "In this struggle, Monroe was suddenly to find himself the key figure, playing a role that put to the most severe test those qualities of his character -- more ruggedly honest than impressively brilliant -- that won him his place in the history of his country." I wonder whether it would be more interesting to live on a street named after someone more interesting?


  1. Compare that to a purely functional address such a Central Park West, relating to the west side of the park - useful but dull. And NYC is so easy to navigate due to its numbered streets. Public schools in NYC are numbered whereas in Philly, I graduated from the Samuel Gompers Elementary School

  2. We live between all the streets named after our past presidents. I do find this a bit more interesting. However, I find numbered streets or compass/landmark oriented streets in cities much more tourist friendly.

  3. some of our streets are named after no longer existent landmarks, like canals, or landmarks that aren't nearby, like the lake, which makes it REALLY tourist friendly
