03 February 2010

Who reads the Atlantic monthly?

James Fallows quotes (Atlantic Jan/Feb 2010) a Westpointer: "triumph of tactics over strategy." This is the inverse of boiling a frog. The triumph of tactics over strategy is when you keep improving on something that wasn't the right thing to do in the first place. If you toss a frog in a pot of boiling water, he'll hop out; if you put him cold water and put it on the stove, he'll never notice that he needs to do something about his environment.

Paul Starr claims (Atlantic Jan/Feb 2010) that "abundance brings scarcity: an abundance of media creates a scarcity of attention. So although journalists and politicians have new ways to reach the public, the public has acquired even more ways to ignore them." This sounds like "demand expands to exceed capacity" said of highways. More is less.